Cakes/Party Planning

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Update on House Makeover

Our house renovation is coming along nicely, it really is crazy to think how far we have come and how many changes our house has gone through already.

We started off with this space, nothing to fancy. With three boys it is hard to have nice things, lol. 

With the kids getting older I wanted to make this space a more grown up space, you know where there are actual curtains and lamps. So on my travels I found a couple of these fabulous chairs for my kitchen table.  I tell the kids they are not allowed to use these ones, we will see how long that lasts for. We also traded in the ugly brown love seats and found this fabulous couch.  Finding something that suited my hubby and me was a little difficult but honestly not as hard as finding an occasional chair.  He wants a "man chair" big puffy and reclines.  I want a sleek, pretty chair that goes with the space, needless to say we haven't found one yet. 

I found this fabulous table and I can't wait to get my hands on it and change up the color.  What I love about this table is how chunky it looks and how durable it feels. 

 Notice how I have one wall that isn't painted, this is the wall I refer to as the death wall.  I am a little terrified of heights and the thought of climbing out over the stairs on a plank is really not my idea of fun. So after finally coming up with some ladders that would work on the stairs I set out on this scary plank to paint.  This is definitely a two man show.  I make my husband hold the ladder and fill my roller so I don't have to get up and down. 

 Notice all the patches on my wall this is what my whole main floor looked like, and to think these are in a space that are too high for the kids to reach.  

It is really starting to come together but I have a ton more ideas that I want to do, so I will keep you posted. 


  1. Hey Lisa! It's looking good! I love your couch. Is it gray? We are looking for furniture too. My hubby wants a recliner, finding a pretty one is not easy. Can't wait to see the wall of death all finished. Love the changes so far.

  2. It's coming together. I like the gray. And that wall is high!

  3. Thank you for your comment. I wish I could send some heat your way! Snow! It's almost May!

  4. Everything looks great Lisa! I love your new sophisticated! I have to say that I laughed at your `death wall` story...I`m with ya there girl! Too funny! Have a lovely week! Angie xo
