Cakes/Party Planning

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I was so excited today when I opened up my email to find that I had been awarded with The Versatile Blogger Award by My over at Space 46 please be sure to pop over and check out her blog. 

Okay so here is the deal there are 3 rules about when you accept this award:

(1) Thank the person who gave you this award and make sure to link back to their blog 
(2) Share 7 things about yourself
(3) Pass this award onto 7 recently discovered blogs

7 Things About Myself
(1) I married my best friends brother over 9 years ago.
(2) My husband and myself are currently on a waiting list waiting to adopt a little girl in need of a good home. 
(3) I have recently taken up dirt biking and I love it.  Love getting dirty and the challenge of it.  I secretly want to learn how to do jumps but don't want to kill myself.
(4) I grew up surrounded by creative people but didn't think I had a creative bone in my body until I got older. 
(5) My dream vacation would be to Morocco 
(6) I find painting my walls in my house relaxing
(7) My favorite smell is fresh cut grass with a hint of rain. 

I am passing this award onto: 


  1. dirt bikes?!? Oh my goodness that's sounds like so much fun!!

    And I'll be keeping you all in my prayers about your adoption...what a wonderful like she will have with you all :)

    You are amazing my friend! Thanks for the award :)

  2. Great list...I loved the part of your creativity! I grew up in a creative home too..and I had to grow up to allow myself to enjoy not being creative!:)...I think I would have rather...grown up to be creative...but at least now..I just have fun trying! :)

  3. Thank you so much for passing this along to me!! I enjoyed reading the 7 things about you :)
