Cakes/Party Planning

Saturday, 14 May 2011

It's a Barnyard Party

My little man Makai turned 2 years old this month and today was a celebration just for him.  I am a lover of parties and making them as unique and different as I can.  My husband says a little to much, lol.  But I absolutely love it.  

 I love having a cake and snack table decorated to go with my theme.  The banner and printable I purchased from stockberrystudios on Etsy (I just love Etsy)

This cake is to date on of my favorites I just love every bit of it.  I was inspired by Melissa at My Cake School.

Well you can't have a kids party without a little crafting so the kiddies all made some sheep masks with a sheep printout, cotton balls, crayons and a little creativity. 
To Darn Cute.

For Favors the kids got a box of farm animal crackers and a bandanna with a little goodie inside.  For the adults I made individual pies.

I also created this Plaque out of some wood I had laying around in the garage.  I stained and then added a vinyl sticker to it.  I had made a few of them with various farm animals on them. 

Cannot Believe my little man is already 2 years old. 
I am one happy Momma to have such an incredible son.


  1. Wow! What an awesome party! I love your cakes so much!
    Also, thanks so much for your sweet comment about my cake...I couldn't reply..I think you are set up as "no-reply", you can change it under "edit profile" on your dashboard :)

  2. Thanks Carmella, this was on of my favorite cakes to date. My kids can't wait to see what they will look like. Your cake was great, I find that each cake you make you learn just a little bit more. THanks for the info on the no-reply I will see if I can change it.

  3. Your cakes are amazing! I like the barn theme party, I am trying to think of a theme for my 1 year olds little party at the end of the summer...

  4. Thank You Adriane. Coming up with a theme is my favorite part of party planning. I usually start with the cake and then the decorations come from there. Good Luck, and thank you for being my newest follower

  5. What a great party idea! I love the pig in the haystack :) Thank you for sharing at my party!
