Cakes/Party Planning

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Crazy Tuesday

 Well today was supposed to be a day of errands and relaxation as I was going to have a day off, but life has a way of throwing you a curve ball.  Instead my youngest son Makai got sick throughout the night and kept it up through the day.  So I ended up staying home and getting some much needed cleaning and projects done.  And a little big of organization.  I love to label things I just find it so much easier to find what I am looking for.  So while my little man slept I got a few things labeled.  

My Little Man Sleeping

My Boys Piggy Banks ~ Personalized with Vinyl 

Binders with ideas and work Info 


  1. poor little guy! i hope he's better! you did, however, get some stuff done! you look so organized...i wish i were! love the banks!

  2. Thank You, I am so glad he is feeling better too it was pretty rough one for him. As organized as it looks today in a week or so it will be back to my organized mess. LOL
