Cakes/Party Planning

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sneak Peak

I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend.  Here in Alberta it has been beautiful, my boys have spent most of the weekend riding bikes and playing in the sprinklers which for her is almost unheard of for this time of year.  We better take what we can because next week it might snow.  

My hubby went away to Idaho for the weekend to do a little dirt biking so I thought what a perfect time to do those projects that he said no way to, lol. 

Here is just a little sneak peak of what I was up to, I will do a full post on this in a day or so.  

Isn't she pretty, okay so maybe I was told not to paint this and perhaps that yellow is not going to be his favorite choice but I am hoping that the painted and organized garage will offset this.

This week me and my little man went on his meet the teacher night for kindergarten, got to do a tour and ride the bus.  He is pretty excited to go to the same school as his big brother.  

We also had our year end Karate Gala where Chase was awarded with his White Advanced belt and my Keegan was awarded with the best Focus award for all of the Dojo. 

My hubby is on his way home from a great weekend, my hands are sore from all the painting and the boys are out riding their bikes how much better can it get.  

Friday, 20 April 2012

My Boy and Some Scrapbooking

The other day my father in-law was here for a visit and decided to take my youngest son and my niece for a road trip.  After a nice morning off I picked up my middle child Chase from school and was able to enjoy the afternoon with just the two of us.  This is a rare thing as there is usually at least one other child with us. 

At Christmas I had bought him his own scrapbook kit and had been telling him we would do it together for some time.  Well there was no time like the present.  We had sat down a few days prior and went through all of our pictures and he meticulously picked out the ones he wanted.  I had to giggle when he said "no not that one because you can't see their faces that good"  Oh he is his mothers child. 

We made a quick trip through to Tim Hortons (my favorite coffee shop) because every scrapbook session needs some coffee.  Stopped over and picked up his pictures and then we were on our way to creating a fantastic book of memories. 

He was so excited to do this, he had been so patiently waiting.

Yeap there it is the thing that gets me through most days. 

Gotta get one with the two of us too.  He did such a good job on his book, we still have some pages to fill but that will have to wait for another day.  

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Dreaming Of A Little Summer

I know it has been a little while but I am back and with a list of projects that I want to get done.  

You might also notice a few changes around here, I participated in Inspire Me Heather's Blog review so after reviewing some of the feedback I have made some changes.  I am still working and tweaking some thing so let me know what you think.

Even though we wake up to snow some days I am really itching for summer to be here.  I look at my back yard can't wait to plant my garden and flowers.  

I decided I needed to make a little summer sign, the bright colors remind me of summer.

For those that have been following I know I haven't posted the result of my bedroom makeover but that is because it isn't done yet.  I really want to paint a few pieces of furniture to finish it off and I promise I will get it done and post pictures soon.   

I have my son's birthday coming up in a few weeks so stay tuned for posts on the party planning and a new cake. 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

These are some of my favorite Easter pictures I have.  I had to pull them out of archives as they date back to 2008, but I just love them so much. 

I am wishing each and everyone of you a fantastic Easter weekend.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Bedroom Makeover ~ Part 4

Through this makeover I have realized that it isn't the big stuff that takes time but it is the little things and the artwork that I don't just want to buy just because so you hold out for that perfect piece

I went on a man hunt for that perfect piece of artwork, I didn't know exactly what I wanted but knew the feeling I wanted.  This was actually try number two the first one I thought I could paint something creative and it would look fantastic, well I found out that my paintings should not be shown in public, lol.  So I invested my $40.00 into a piece of Canvas and found a poem that I thought was fantastic.

I did this similar to my other signs using a vinyl stencil and putting it on that way.  This wasn't without a few oops.  Once I got it all done I noticed a few missing letters so I had to do a little cutting and fitting them in. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Liebster Award

After taking a little blogging break this week to spend time with my kids, I opened up my email to find that I was nominated twice for the Liebster Award.  

Thank you so much to both of you


What we are asked is to pass this award on to 5 amazing up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.  How hard is that to find some amazing talent, not to hard at all. 

So I am passing this award to

Rob, Megan, Wynn, Amy and Chris are inspired by all the fabulous pins out there and put together their talents to create amazing projects, whether it be transforming a piece of furniture or into something new or refinishing a dresser into a showstopper. 

Karen is chalk full of knowledge and a willingness to do anything as she turns her house into a masterpiece and shares it with us every step of the way.

Jeanean Loves to share her beauty ideas amount other things, but I have to say my favorite part is her Sunday Confessions.  They are full of humor and reality of her daily life. 

Ange has a fantastic ability to upholster just about anything and makes it look easy.  She loves to create just about anything whether it be sewing or painting.  

Jen is a Canadian girl just like me and has a fantastic style.  Check out their home and see what she has done to make it beautiful.

To accept the award you must:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.

2. Post the award to your blog.

3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.