Cakes/Party Planning

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Dollar Store Find

Today I had the rare opportunity to go to the dollar store with no children, which allowed me to go up and down every aisle and take my time.  I came across these fantastic hooks for $1.25, they perfect for an upcoming project I am doing.  When we built our deck we made a portion of the underside into a playhouse but have yet to finish the inside.  After telling the kids for the past 3 years we would do it this if finally the year.  I have starting my collections of little bits of things to go in and thought these hooks would work great.  I am creating a craft section for the kids and plan to use these hooks and then hang the bucks on them for all their craft supplies.  

I found these buckets at wal-mart for $1.50 each and added my personal touch of vinyl to them with words for the big kids and pictures for the younger monkeys. 

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Love To Make Cakes

Over the past 7 years my love for making a cake has grown and each time a party arises I love coming up with an idea and a theme for the party.  

I just wanted to show you a couple of my cakes I have done throughout the years.  

This was my very first cake that I made back in 2005 for my sons 1st birthday.   It is funny looking back on this I was so proud that I got these towers to look that good, lol. 

Baby Shower Shoe Cake ~ I still love this one I made it for my sister in-law and long time friend.  It was my first real attempt at fondant and it turned out to be a hit. 

Baby Shower Winter Cake ~ I made this one for my friend we threw her a winter/ snowflake themed baby shower.

Pretty Pink Polka Dot Cake ~ This One was made for a friends little girl on her first birthday

                                      Rock Climbing Cake ~ 
This was a last minute cake I made for a friend of the family who was having a rock climbing party for their 7 year old son.  

 Beyblade Cake ~ My son is obsessed with Beyblades so of course we had to have a beyblade cake.  The logo was printed off the computer in mirror and then traced on wax paper and put in the fridge to harden in order to get on the cake. It was a hit at the party. 

Clown Cake ~ This one was made for both of my sons on their 6th & 3rd birthday.  I had just taken the Wilton Cake course at Michaels and they showed us how to make this.  It was a really fun cake to make. 

                               Jungle Theme ~ This was the first time I had made a cake with figures on it.  I spent hours online learning the best way to do these figures and the problem I have is once I start a cake I have a hard time stopping.  I just keep on adding but I think it is the little details that make a difference.  This one was for my youngest son's 1st birthday celebration.

High Heel Shoe Cake ~ Okay Okay I know it is not perfect but it was my first attempt at this kind of a cake and it was a good thing for the fondant tissue paper to cover up some of the mess ups. 

Wedding Cake ~ My Mother In-law got remarried a few months ago and asked me if I could do the wedding cake and how is a girl to say no to that.  The theme of the wedding was winter wonderland so I made the cake with the blue and white to go with the theme.  

Elvis Cake ~ This cake was made for my dad to celebrate his 60th birthday, we had a 1950's themed party for him.  As a kid growing up Elvis was always playing on the stereo and in fact I was named after Lisa Marie, so I found it a very fitting cake for him.

I hope you enjoy these cakes and that they give you some inspiration.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Weekend

We had a very eventful Easter weekend.  We spent a total of 18 hours in the van with three children under the age of  7, alls I have to say is thank goodness for a dvd player and a whole lot of snacks.  My Husband grandparents were celebrating their 60th anniversary as well as their 80th and 90th birthdays so it was a big family event.  My favorite part of the entire trip was on the ride home when we stopped at a grocery store to pick food up for dinner and then headed to a park where the kids could run around and enjoy being kids.  They had so much fun and it made the rest of the trip that much more enjoyable.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Cube Bookshelf

My son is turning 2 and I am excited because I have wanted to build him a bookshelf for his room for a long time but just haven't done it.  Today we picked up the wood and got our plans from Ana White.  It is half built and I can't wait to get it all done.  I will post pictures of the finished product.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Easter Tree

This is so cute.  We found some cute eggs at the dollarstore and the kids went to town decorating this tree to make a fantastic Easter Tree.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Easter Wreath

I love this Easter Wreath and it only cost me $8.00 and a little bit of time.  I found the wreath at the local dollarstore it came in a gold color so I spray painted it a nice green color.  I found the the sprigs of easter eggs which also came with the nest.  I bought a variety of colors and took them apart and hot glued the pieces on.

Friday, 15 April 2011

When Will Spring come

A couple of days ago the 4 feet of snow that was surrounding the driveway had melted the rubber boots were the main footwear and the sun was shining.  But when you live in Alberta you just never know what you will wake up to in the morning.  Unfortunately just when we thought Spring was here we were hit by snow.  Hopefully it will melt quick and get back to Sunny Days.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Barnyard Birthday Party

Barnyard Birthday Invitations

My son Makai has his Second Birthday party coming up in 3 weeks and it is time to start planning.  Tonight I sat down and made up his invitations.  I started with a clipart of a barn I had found to get the right shape, I printed and cut out templates of the barn.  Once I was done that I cut opened the doorway and added strips of black to the boarder of the door.  You can't have a barn without the rooster so I created a window above and with the #2 on the barn.  I finished it off with the information for the party.

Monday, 11 April 2011

80's Party

80's Themed Birthday Cakes

This past weekend I did a cake for an 80's party we had.  It was my good friend Dallas and my 30th birthday bash.  As well as my husband and another friends birthday.  

What better represents the 80's than MTV, boom boxes, cassette tapes and packman. 

I was very pleased on how well these cakes turned out. 


Isn't it a great feeling when you open up the mailbox and you have a package.  I received my fabulous fabric that I ordered off of Etsy.  I can't wait to start my projects that I have planned for it.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Cakes, Cakes, Cakes

Sometimes I feel like all I do is make cakes, but I love it.  I am in the process of making a cake for a big 80's themed party we are doing this weekend.  As I was searching the web for some ideas I came across a cake which had a E.T. inspiration on it.  It brought back so many memories so what is a girl to do but make it a movie night and let the kids experience it for the first time.  It was a little touch and go for the first bit with fingers covering the eyes but once my oldest Keegan found out that he was a nice alien all was good.